Spring Brings New Excitment to the Sheerar

Spring is always an exciting time at the Stillwater History Museum at the Sheerar.  Each year the museum hosts around 550 3rd graders for our award winning education program “How Oklahoma Began.”  However, our April and May calendar includes more than just school programs. 

First on my mind is the drainage improvement project, which is taking place around the outside of the Sheerar Center. Phase 1 was completed this week as the site is prepare for re-grading and exterior sump pump installation.  This project will help protect our building and artifacts for years to come, as improving the drainage will keep water from seeping through our foundation.  This project is being made possible by our many community supporters, and you can learn more at www.sheerarmuseum.org.

On April 14th, we will be hosting our fourth session of our new Children’s Exploration Series.  This month’s theme is wood working, and participants will get to try a variety of traditional carpentry tools before making their own wooden toy.  In May, the theme will be “All about Buttons” and will include the great story of how our museum got its start from Lena Sheerar’s buttons and make-and-take button art made from modern buttons.

April 15-21st is National Volunteer Appreciation Week, which is a great time to say thank you to all of the volunteers in your life.  In 2017, the Stillwater History Museum had over 60 volunteers contribute over 1,638 hours of service to the museum.  That is almost the equivalent to one additional full time staff member. Without the energy and dedication of our volunteers, many of the museum’s events and programs would not be possible.

April 22 is the anniversary of the first Land Run, which opened up parts of Oklahoma for settlement, including the area we now call Stillwater. If you have not been to the Stillwater History Museum in a while, stop in and check out our exhibit on how Stillwater began.  We offer free admission and are open Tuesday-Fridays from 11:00 – 5:00 pm and weekends from 1:00-4:00 pm. 

The museum is also in the process of planning our new exhibit “Summertime Fun,” which will open to the public on June 14th.   In preparation for this exhibit we are seeking your favorite summer memories to help bring this exhibit to life.  We want to know what was your favorite summer activity and hang-out?  Have a favorite memory to share? Send it to us at info@sheerarmauseum.org or 702 S. Duncan.  Make sure to include your name and contact information with all submissions.  While we may not be able to use every story in the exhibit, each contribution will help preserve your memories.   If you have photographs or other memorabilia to share, please contact the museum at 377-0359 for more information on our collection policies and procedures.  

For more information on any of our upcoming programs or to submit new program ideas go to our website at sheerarmuseum.org.

Originally Published in Stillwater Newspress.